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Audit Reports

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Report Number:
Report Type:
Audit Reports
Category: Service Performance, Delivery / Mail Processing

Delivery and Customer Service Issues – College Station, New York, NY


This report presents the results of our self-initiated audit of Delivery and Customer Service Issues – College Station, New York, NY (Project Number 19RG022DRT000). College Station is in the New York District of the Northeast Area. This audit was designed to provide U.S. Postal Service management with timely information on potential delivery and customer service risks at College Station.

College Station has nine city and three parcel delivery routes delivered by 13 carriers (seven Full-Time Regulars, four City Carrier Associates (CCA), and two CCAs assigned
to College Station from another unit). College Station also has seven clerks who perform retail and customer service functions. We selected College Station based on our analysis of carriers returning after 6:00 p.m. data from the Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW).


Report Recommendations

# Recommendation Status Value Initial Management Response USPS Proposed Resolution OIG Response Final Resolution

R - 1 -- Review and assign the appropriate number of carriers to College Station to ensure daily mail delivery and implement additional measures to minimize unscheduled leave.

Closed $0 Agree

R - 2 -- Instruct unit management to follow city delivery standard operating procedures for reporting delayed mail.

Closed $0 Agree

R - 3 -- Review and assign the appropriate number of clerks to College Station to ensure distribution up time is being met and implement additional measures to minimize unscheduled leave.

Closed $0 Agree

R - 4 -- Instruct unit management to adhere to customer service procedures for resolving customer complaints.

Closed $0 Agree