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Mail Delivery, Customer Service, and Property Conditions Review – Lacey Branch, Lacey, WA

Audit Reports

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Report Number:
Report Type:
Audit Reports
Category: Service Performance, Delivery / Mail Processing, Customer Service

Mail Delivery, Customer Service, and Property Conditions Review – Lacey Branch, Lacey, WA


This interim report presents the results of our self-initiated audit of mail delivery, customer service, and property conditions at the Lacey Branch in Lacey, WA (Project Number 22-098). The Lacey Branch is in the Washington District of the WestPac Area and services ZIP Codes 98513 and 98516, which serves about 51,113 people and is considered an urban community. We judgmentally selected the Lacey Branch based on the number of customer inquiries the unit received related to package tracking and mail delivery delays. From December 1, 2021, through February 28, 2022, the unit received 25.65 inquiries per route, which was more than the average of 12.28 inquiries per route for all sites serviced by the Seattle Processing and Distribution Center (P&DC).