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U.S. Postal Service Revenue: Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

White Papers

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White Papers
Category: Finance

U.S. Postal Service Revenue: Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

RARC-WP-15-008 - 04/13/2015We have all read the negative headlines of U.S. Postal Service’s looming financial demise. However, in its new paper, U.S. Postal Service Revenue: Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?, the OIG finds that the Postal Service may be turning a corner. An increase in parcel volume, significant cost reductions, and the exigent price increase are collectively driving an improvement in the Postal Service’s financial health. Nevertheless, the Postal Service still faces numerous challenges, including the continued and persistent decline in First-Class Mail volume, an ever-increasing number of delivery points, and an increased need to make investments for its future. While significant, these challenges are not insurmountable. In order to further improve its financial position, the Postal Service will need to focus on increasing the revenue yield of its traditional products wherever market forces and conditions allow, including taking advantage of the growing parcel market. In addition, the Postal Service would benefit from diversifying into other areas of business, especially logistics and financial services.